Asha regularly deliver specialist groups and activities aimed at helping women deal with specific issues (sometimes provided in partnership with other relevant agencies) led by qualified, experienced tutors. These activities currently include:
A group work programme of five two hour sessions aimed at developing a better understanding and awareness of alcohol use.
This Programme is run in conjunction with West Mercia Women’s Aid and co facilitated with Asha and Women’s Aid staff. It is a 12 week rolling programme for women who have experienced Domestic Abuse.
The aim of the programme is:
A group work programme of 4 sessions of 2 hours each that explores themes around body image.
The aim of the programme is:
A group work programme of 6 sessions of 2 hours each for women to explore how to manage anger and feelings.
This is a longer group work programme of 10 sessions of 4 hours each which allows for in-depth exploration of a range of issues and areas that may impact upon participants their lives. This programme is accredited by NOCN at Level One Award in Progression.
The programme has 5 primary learning units on developing & Understanding: