Asha currently employs 9 members of full and part time staff and we also employ a number of experienced and qualified sessional tutors who delivery a variety of accredited and non-accredited course and activities at the Centre. It is Board policy that all staff should be women and all should be appropriately qualified for the work they undertake.
Asha has a diverse, experienced and well trained and professionally qualified staff group comprising qualified probation officers, approved social worker and Managers. In some instances staff have dual qualifications. For example, support coordinators are qualified both as social workers (or equivalent) and in adult teaching, enabling them to lead groups with an educational aim, but also able to offer support where there are disclosure of issues requiring a skilled social work response.
All support co-ordinators delivering groups and courses are registered with Institute for Learning and are PTTLS level 4 trained.
Key staff roles and responsibilities:
Centre Director
Overall strategic responsibility and management of the organisation; promotion and development of project nationally, regionally and locally; development of partnerships, funding contracts and new business.
Operations Manager
Reports to the Project Director: responsible for staff, service delivery, courses and groups; contract reporting and management and volunteer recruitment.
Finance Manager
Reports to the Project Director: responsible for financial accounting, budgets and contract finances.
Support Coordinators
Responsible for provision of one to one support, management of case work, completion of monitoring and evaluation records, signposting and providing specialist support for individuals in crisis.
Administrative team
Centre admin asst providing reception and phone admin support as well as processing all referrals.
Centre support asst providing support to women when they attend the centre and supervising women completing their unpaid work community orders.
Learning admin asst providing support with courses, accreditation and learning admin.
Admin asst providing admin support to Operations Manager and Finance Manager