Accredited courses

We offer women access to a number of accredited courses run by Worcester College of Technology as well as other OCN accredited courses. These include:

At Asha we offer a sign language class.
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • ESOL (English as a second or other language)
  • Introduction to British Sign Language
  • Counselling Skills course (1 year)
  • Intermediate/Advanced Computers
  • Art 2-D2 (developing art skills)
  • Mentoring Programme
  • Exploring Women’s Lives
  • Aim to Change
  • Self-Help groups
  • Women from Asha run a Sew and So self-help group (volunteer led)
  • Benefits and debt advice
  • Worcester Cash provide regular benefits and debt advice sessions as well as money
  • management courses

Groups run with Women’s Aid

We run a number of groups in conjunction with Women’s Aid:

  • Freedom Programme
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Self-esteem and goal setting
  • Becoming Assertive